What are we doing to be less polluting?

What can you do?
1- No more single-use plastics: we drink from reusable cups (bring your own from home or buy one from the festival).
2- Don’t use water and electricity in vain: on Lanzarote, electricity and running water involve a polluting production process.
3- Get around by bike or use public transport. If you need to use your car, share it.
4- We reclaim public space as an essential place for community life. Take care of it as if it were your living room.
5- We are working with Innoceana to defend the endangered seagrass meadows of Guasimeta. We cannot afford their disappearance.
6- After 22:30 we leave the historic center to reconcile concert culture with neighbourhood rest. Don’t make a fuss when passing through a residential area in the early hours of the morning.

7- We reinforce cleaning with selective recycling containers, portable toilets and a team that leaves public spaces in perfect condition. Don’t throw anything on the ground.

8- The lighting design minimizes light pollution. The darker the sky the better.
9- We take care of the working conditions of our team, made up of professionals from Lanzarote. Good vibes and empathy at all times. You also contribute to the atmosphere of the festival.
10- We have in our team members of the Association of People with Disabilities of Lanzarote: they are super friendly workers who do their job very well. Having a degree of disability does not disqualify you from working, nor from enjoying yourself in society.

User’s manual for the Arrecife en Vivo audience

(9 basic tips)

1- Give the bands you don’t know a chance.  Live music destroys prejudices and conquers brains. 

2- The stage doesn’t bite.  Get closer: only in the front row you can appreciate some details. 

3- Would you rather be chatting away? Move a little further, please. People who want to immerse themselves in the concert will thank you.

4- Don’t get too wasted. Have lunch, snacks, dinner. If you drink alcohol; in moderation, please. 

5- Zero tolerance for violent, homophobic, sexist or racist attitudes.  Don’t be stupid.  

6- The concerts are in public space, next to the sea.  Take care of it because it is everyone’s home.

7- Listen.  Dance.  Feel.  Be inspired.  Enjoy the show with a critical spirit and your pores wide open. 

8- Take care of the person next to you, even if you don’t know them. Minimise stomping and armpits in the face. 

9- Skip the mobile phone a bit.  Even if the algorithm rewards us every time you upload a story, we prefer you to be here and now. 


conoce la Marina



¿Sabes que en este litoral viven 1.500 especies distintas?

Esto representa casi el 40% de toda la biodiversidad de Canarias. Hay mucha variedad, pero poca cantidad: como en un museo. Compartimos hábitat con todas ellas. Si está bahía se deteriora, nuestra vida también irá a peor.